President’s Message

September 23, 2024

Presidents Message

It is said that fall brings “Peace and Serenity” to the soul. I love fall because of all its warm and vibrant colors it makes for such beautiful designs. That is why our October program for our general meeting will be about designing with leaves, branches, evergreens and berries.

Members are invited to a fabulous Fall Design Workshop on October 9th (details in Clippings and the club members calendar). for a emonstration on how to bring lots of texture into making a fall design for your home.

We will then bring our designs the next day to the club’s regular meeting to share with members and any potential members/guests. Those of you who cannot make the workshop the day before, you can make a design at home to bring to our meeting. Your design can be whatever size you would like but remember, all foliage No flowers. You want to have as many textures as possible for a completed design. The club’s judges will discuss all the designs. This will be a fun filled program for all, so no matter what your skill level. It is just meant to be a fun learning experience.

The next few months the club members will be busy attending our “Holly Fair Workshops” to flex their creativity designing holiday items and treats for our Holly Fair in December. All members are asked to be involved in the Holly Fair in one way or another and we have added ‘online sign-up’ to be sure the fair has all the help we need. As always, please make holiday cookies (more info to follow), along with a baked item for the bake table. We are well known for our excellent cooks.

I will be chairing the Holly Fair this year and will be looking for any new ideas you may have for new craft items or any other ideas. This year we will also be taking online payment to reserve wreaths, table decorations and other holiday gifts, which will be held for you in a designated area to collect in person.

I want to take this time to applaud our hard-working “Weeding Wednesday Crew” who have been working throughout this year and, may I say, through a very steamy hot summer. They have done wonders at so many sites around our town. I saw them one day this summer pulling weeds along Main Street on the edge of the road with their little bottoms pointed to the sky in 90-degree weather. They have been such a wonderful asset to the town and truly make our garden club very proud of all their hard work and, believe it or not, they have fun doing all this hard work. A big thanks goes out to our WW crew; your club appreciates all you do. If you would like to join in with this group give Connie Wiliszowski or Lesley Reid a call and they will put you to work when they start up again next year.

Connie will be forming a committee to look into restoring our Gateway Lighthouse site in the near future. Let her know if you are interested in being part of this committee.

So now its time to start putting our own gardens to bed, bring in all our house plants in and along with getting our bulbs in the ground. Our work is never done.

Judy Morgan, President