2025 starts for the Wareham Garden Club

Valentines/Galentines week is always the resumption of the Wareham Garden Club calendar and the February 13th meeting yesterday was a great social event to reunite with our fellow gardeners and flower lovers.
As well as the expected fabulous spread of cookies and treats, the members adorned themselves in red for the occasion.

Imagine my surprise to find myself listening to Queen Elizabeth II of England recounting her life in videos, stories and costumes (including appropriate wigs). Sheryl Faye portrays historical women for a variety of audiences with an immersive experience. Look her up here. www.sherylfaye.com

Please feel free to come along and experience the friendship in the club, learn about the kind of activities the club provides and meet new generous friends. Guests can attend meetings for 1 or 2 meetings before deciding to join for a very small yearly fee.

The next few meeting details are below:
Thursday, March 13: Regular Meeting at St Patrick’s Hall, (Behind St Patrick CHurch, High Street, Wareham).
Refreshments from 9 – 9:30 followed by the business meeting. Program: “Climate Conscience Gardening” – Kristen from Blue Stem Natives has some sustainable, affordable and fun options for building gorgeous living landscapes.

Thursday, April 10: Regular Meeting at St Patrick’s Hall. Refreshments from 9 – 9:30 followed by the business meeting. Program: “Jaw Dropping, Traffic Stopping Containers that Transition Throughout the Season”

Thursday, May 8: Regular Meeting at St Patrick’s Hall. Refreshments from 9 – 9:30 followed by the business meeting. Program: Floral demonstration by our Master Judge, Christine Decas.